Important Information

Respected Registered Direct sellers,
Being an integral part of sales of the company, we inform you that every Direct seller/Distributor of the company�s food products, should be registered or licensed under the FOOD SAFETY AND STANDARDS ACT, 2006 and FOOD SAFETY AND STANDARDS (LICENSING AND REGISTRATION OF FOOD BUSINESS) REGULATION, 2011 as Food Business Operator.

As per Section-3 (n) �Food business� means any undertaking, whether for profit or not and whether public or private, carrying out any of the activities related to any stage of manufacture, processing, packaging, storage, transportation, distribution of food, import and includes food services, catering services, sale of food or food ingredients;

As per Section-3 (o) �food business operator� in relation to food business means a person by whom the business is carried on or owned and is responsible for ensuring the compliance of this Act, rules and regulations made the reunder; That�s why the respected authority said in their notification and mandates all food

business operators to take relevant FSSAI licenses and update them on periodic basis, along with details and identities of the sales force. Hence, We request you to take FSSAI License as per the above said norms of FSSAI and update with a copy of license to the company within 10 days.

In the context of the fulfillment of our obligation towards Direct sellers, the company always stands with the Direct sellers.

Meanwhile, should you require any clarification/ support from our side, please let us know.

For Daily Need Marketing & Retail Pvt. Ltd.

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